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Screen Shot: My Family Welcome to My Web Page!
This site is about Jaa, Joseph Aongo "The legendary greendragon." My family and friends are some of the people who make up who I really I'm. They mean the world to me because without them I'm nothing. That's why you see  them with me on the pictures a lot
More information about MY FAMILY


This is my most of my family, I will update it later on but checkout the pick for now I won't name them yet


Everyday I go home and sometimes can't think about what to do besides enjoy what I have and live it up. I was born August 18, 1988 in Kenya (East Africa). My parents then moved us to Uganda when I was very little that's where I remember living until 1999 when me my sisters and brothers moved to the US. It was all thanks to our Mom Sara Ade.




Screen Shot: Project BOB



BOB is a full-function arcade game, using the keys seen at the left (which you can redefine). BOB is programmed entirely in HTML/JavaScript and has 36 different screens and 3 different enemies, 2 of which move. The image at the left shows keys and doors, which are dynamic---once you get them, they're gone (until the next game!). Try BOB out, or read more about creating Bob in the About and What's New section.

My Mom's Biography

Only 32 images are used to create BOB (six images are for BOB himself). The data that draws BOB has over 3:1 compression (but is on the same page). BOB works on all computer platforms using a proper browser (it even works on a Unix workstation -- there are special automatic adjustments for speed on HP workstations). BOB does not rely on any Applets or CGI Script pushing. The page of BOB is about 25kb, and the images for BOB are less than 7kb (most average pages have over 30kb).